Annales Universitatis Scientiarum de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae

Sectio Classica

The present volume inaugurates a new series, the Sectio Classica of the Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. It will represent the research work of the following Departments of the Faculty of Arts: Dept. of Greek Philology, Dept. of Latin Philology, Dept. of Indocuropcan Linguistics, Dept. of Greek and Roman History, Dept. of Ancient Near Eastern History and Dept. of Classical Archaeology. Accordingly, the scope of these new Annals comprises all branches of Ancient Studies, viz. studies in Greek and Latin literature, linguistics, social and political history, religion, archaeology and art on the one hand and researches on the languages, literatures, history and culture of Ancient East on the other hand, all these being supplemented by studies in Indoeuropean linguistics, Indo-Iranian philology, survival of Antiquity, Medieval Latin and Byzantine Greek philology. The association of these different disciplines is not accidental; on the contrary, it represents a new conception of both Classical Antiquity and Classical Studies, based on multi-disciplinary research and reflecting the idea of the historical unity of Classical Antiquity and Ancient Near East. We are well aware of the difficulties and scholarly requirements this idea involves but one must, in any case, realize its great importance for the future development of Classical Philology. It was this very idea which was professed and maintained also by my collegue, the late Professor I. Trencsényi-Waldapfel up to his death. We made common efforts to assure the publication of these Annals and as this project has been now realized, by professing the unity of Ancient Studies this volume should be dedicated to his memory.

Editiroal Board
Róbert Falus
István Hahn
János Horváth
Ilona Komor
András Mócsy

Managing Editor
Csaba Töttössy

Indulás - megszűnés: 1972–1987
ISSN: 0324-640X
A folyóirat megtalálható az ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár katalógusában: OPAC

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