Culture and intercultural communication

Research and education

Due to the rapid development of science and technology, the proliferation of research activity and our continuously changing social, political, economic and cultural context constantly force us to evaluate and re-evaluate our knowledge and put our skills to the test. This volume offers insights into some of the new developments of theory and research in Cultural and Intercultural Studies that may equip students, teachers and researchers with up-to-date information regarding the state of the art of these fields of study. The fourteen contributions by different authors are organized into three main parts and address both the theoretical and the practical/pedagogical aspects of language learning, teaching and research. Part I focuses on the teaching of culture and intercultural communication and reveals important theoretical considerations and best practices. Part 2 of the volume presents the findings of empirical research on intercultural communication and the development of intercultural competence. The geographical orientations of the articles are also diverse. Although Part III is devoted to one area in particular, Australian Studies, the volume also contains papers relating to Hungary, Great Britain and New Zealand, as well as North and South America. Even though the collection is predominantly theory- and research-oriented, the results of the investigations may offer useful information about the teaching, learning and researching of culture and intercultural competence for practicing teachers and students involved in university language programmes and teacher education. In these activities Dorottya Holló has played a unique role at the School of English and American Studies of Eötvös Loránd University, therefore this book is dedicated to her.

A kötet ‘ELTE Tankönyv- és jegyzettámogatási pályázat' pályázat támogatásával jött létre.

Szerkesztette: Károly Krisztina, Lázár Ildikó, Gall Cecília
Lektorálta: Christopher Ryan
Műszaki szerkesztő: Szabó Panna
Kiadó: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Angol-Amerikai Intézet
ISBN 978-963-489-176-5

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